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Interested in becoming an NTIF volunteer?

Please send email inquiries to the with your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.

You will be added to our volunteer mailing list. We will notify you of the times and places for volunteer meetings and will send you a blank volunteer form you can mail in if you cannot attend a meeting in person.


On-Line Signup

The NTIF on-line volunteer registration is now operational. By filling in a simple form you can sign-up to be an NTIF volunteer and even pick which area and shift you would prefer to work. We can make no guarantees, but early signup will improve your chances of getting your preferences.

Volunteer signup is always open - but many of the prime shifts are now taken. Sign up online or contact our for last minute openings.

Why Volunteer?

First and foremost - we have a lot of fun! For each 3-hour shift worked you will receive a free beverage of your choice at the Festival. One 3-hour shift gets you free admission into the Festival on the day of your shift. Two or more 3-hour shifts get you free admission into the Festival on both days. Volunteers working two or more shifts receive a free NTIF souvenir T-shirt.

What kinds of things to volunteers do at the NTIF?

Admissions - The all-important ticket sales. Lots of folks needed here.

Beer - Volunteers are needed to pour beer. You need to be TABC certified for this (we pay for the training). Also, you need to be 21 or over.

Finance - We always need people to help count money.

Hospitality - Maintain the performers' hospitality/dressing area.

Main Office - Mostly this involves answering the phone during the Festival.

Performers' Products Sales - We set up a booth where our performers' products are for sale - tapes, CDs, shirts, etc.

SCMA Information Booth The SCMA promotes Celtic cultural events in North Texas, including the NTIF. Help support the SCMA and spend a few hours at their booth giving out information and selling their product.

Souvenir T-shirt Sales - This is usually a combination T-shirt and program sales and a general information booth.

Stage Managers - Announce the acts, take care of wants and needs of the performers, get them on and off the stage on time.

Transportation - Drivers are needed for our courtesy vans which take performers to and from the airport, hotel, and Festival grounds. Must be a licensed driver over 25 with no tickets and for this.

Urchin Street - This area is devoted to children. Helpers are needed for arts and crafts for the kids.

Vendors - Help check in vendors and get them set up on Friday and Saturday morning.

Volunteer Area - Check in volunteers and pass out their souvenir shirts.

The North Texas Irish Festival is a production of the Southwest Celtic Music Association

Volunteer Meetings

Hope you attended one of this years Volunteer Meetings.

If not, don't worry!

You can still sign up online - but don't wait too long!

TABC Training

will be held on
Sun, Feb 20, 1:00pm
at the

Sheraton Brookhollow

TABC Training is required for ALL beer booth volunteers - valid for two years.